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petrolgrüner Farbverlauf in den LGX Farben

LGX Logistics

The future in sight.
On all routes. 

We are your logistics expert with individual, sustainable
solutions – whether by road, air or sea. 


LGX Logistics. Luftfracht. Flugzeug zwischen grünen Blättern an blauem Himmel.

Air Freight 

The quickest solution: To ensure that nothing is left to chance at 11,000 meters, we are comprehensively globally networked with our strategic partnerships and cooperations. In addition, we offer the highest standards in the field of air transport: LGX is a Regulated Agent (RegB) certified by the German Federal Aviation Authority and holds the IATA license.

Sea Freight 

For shipments of all sizes: General cargo, full container loads, break bulk, RoRo. We will spare ourselves the complete list of the different transport options and get right to the point: as soon as your shipment is to be moved by sea, you are in the best hands with our team in Hamburg – regardless of whether it is a small spare part or a large project.

LGX Logistics Seefracht. Buntes Containerschiff im Hafen.
LGX Logistics. Time Critical Solution. Zeitkritische Lieferungen. Geschäftsführer sitzt telefonierend und lächelnd in hellem Büro.

Time Critical Solutions

When every minute counts: Unexpected emergencies, belt stoppages, extremely time-critical deliveries – these things can always happen. In such situations, our specialists are ready for you, 24/7! Whether charter, on-board courier or direct deliveries of all kinds: Whenever time is the decisive factor, you can count on us and our fast solutions.


This is us

LGX Logistics – Imagefilm
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LGX is a team full of motivated logistics experts who live the team spirit internally and embody it externally. We combine expertise, speed, and reliability with close personal contact to our customers.


Our Vision

LGX Logistics. Das nachhaltigste Logistikunternehmen. LKW fährt auf Autobahn durch hellgrüne Landschaft mit Windrädern.

The most sustainable logistics company.

Find out what sustainability means to us and how it determines all our present and future business activities.

Satisfied customers 

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"LGX convinces with flexibility and personal contact. We receive constant and proactive information about our shipments – regardless of which multimodal transport is used."

Risto Scherer, customs & logistics at

Riese & Müller – E-bike manufacturer


Your contact at LGX 

Air Freight & Time Critical Solutions 

Sea Freight 

grüngelber Fabrvlerauf in den LGX-Logistics Farben

Ask your questions, write an e-mail, call us! 

Schreib uns alternativ einfach eine Nachricht per Whatsapp

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